Ceramics, New Endeavors and Busyness


Ceramics, New Endeavors and Busyness

There seems to be no end, to the things that I want to explore. How about You? I mean, I would have to live to be about 400 to get it all in. I’ve wanted to try my hand at clay for a long time and it took the same amount of time to find the perfect match for who would help me. A perfectly timed conversation with my friend Linda Rael, led me straight to clay artist, Linda Manning. It didn’t hurt that she lives less than 10 minutes away!

I will be taking a class weekly, and I could see myself doing it for a long time. I peruse Pinterest and YouTube enjoying the masters, as I am only able to crudely construct, but not to worry, I still have 400 more years to perfect!

New Clay endeavor

Just the clay vocabulary alone, will keep me busy for a long time. I had a million questions rolling around in my head, but I was a thoughtful student and only asked half of them. ; ) Yeah, Im going to be one of THOSE students.

Linda Mannings studio

Everywhere I looked, there was visual opportunity in Linda’s studio. Her collection of ways to texture clay is impressive. She didn’t know when she offered me a stamp of birds, how perfect a match it was for me. As you know, I’ve been trying to get Purple Martins to adopt us for 35 years and in 4 different locations. If I can’t get them for real, then I can at least adorn a dish with them! 

Swallows…cousins to the elusive Purple Martin
Drying the clay a bit
My first creation!

Tah Dah! OK. So my work hasn’t been picked up by Kitchen Stores, yet, but it was fun creating something in my first session. Hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Hastypearl paper clay sculpture

I’ve always dreamed about creating little quirky sculptures, as evidenced by my little paper clay Victorian Circus Performers. I had fun making these and mounting them on little stands.

My Watercolor gift to some friends whose kids dressed their Weimaraner in a hoody. How Hilarious and Dignified he remained…: )

Otherwise, I’ve been incredibly busy, and thats how I like it. I wake up early in the morning making quick sketches of things that are rolling around in my waking state head. In other words, my mind never stops. That’s why I’m going to need 400 years to accomplish it all!


I hope things are going well with You and that You are full of imagination. There are soooo many ways to use our creativity and there’s Nothing Like It, to bring a feeling of enjoyment to the day.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a little look at my world. You are welcome here any time…

Best as always, Laura

ps….It’s not time yet, but we are working on a little name change for my business and web presence. I’ll keep you up to date on all of it, but eventually, hastypearl will transition to laurarobertsart.com. Stay tuned!

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4 thoughts on “Ceramics, New Endeavors and Busyness

  1. Yeah Laura! Love the butter dish…I can relate to being 400 to get it all done…even that may not be lonG
    enough…what a wonderful world!
    Saw Linda M yesterday, isn’t she great…Hugs, your Art buddy…Linda

    1. Ill be happy to still be your neighbor in 400 years! We can visit with our canes : ) Yes, Linda did a great job herding the kittens on our first day of workshop! Create on, friend…Laura

  2. You guys are having too mich fun! Laura, i love your clay play!

    1. There was a little patting head while rubbing tummy concentration going on, but it was rewarding and Linda is a great teacher. TBC! Nice to see you here, Lyn : ) Laura

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